Blog Post

5 Ways to Celebrate Dental Hygiene Month

Dr. Thomas Bursich • Oct 14, 2021

You were probably expecting a post all about Halloween and how to take it easy with the candy or else you might need to schedule an emergency dental visit. But did you know that October is exciting to us at Sterling Dental Center for an entirely different reason? It’s Dental Hygiene month!

Here are five ways to celebrate dental hygiene month this October.

1 – Floss

We know that this is your least favorite dental hygiene activity. Trust us, we’ve seen enough patients to know that usually flossing is the hardest habit to get to stick. This month do a daily challenge with your family! Set aside some time every night to all floss together. You can have a fun reward at the end of the month for everyone who sticks with it.

2 – Brush every single day

It should go without saying that you need to brush your teeth every single day and in fact, more than once per day! Brush your teeth in the morning and evening (and after lunch if you’re feeling extra motivated). Be sure to brush gently, using a soft-headed toothbrush with a quality toothpaste.

Don’t forget the babies and toddlers! If they have any teeth, you should be brushing their teeth at least once a day with a kid friendly brush and toothpaste.

3 – Visit your dentist regularly

Come see us! Make sure you are scheduling two annual visits: six months apart or every three to four months as recommended by the doctor. It is so important that we regularly see you to keep an eye on your dental health. Cavities and tooth decay and other dental issues can be really painful and harder to treat once they’ve been going on for a long time. Look at your schedule and get everyone in for a checkup this month!

4 – Eat healthy

For your overall health, you should always aim for a healthy balance in your food. For dental health it is important to limit sugars as these foods are the ones that lead to bacteria growth in your mouth. Try to incorporate a veggie into every meal and focus on whole foods, instead of packaged foods, when possible.

5 – Don’t go overboard on Halloween

Yes, of course we are going to mention Halloween. At the end of the month, kids are going to go door to door getting all sorts of delicious and sugary and sticky and sweet treats. We love Halloween and of course each have our own favorite candy, but we do know the importance of not eating too many sugary treats. If you can, try to reduce the sticky treats too as they can get more stuck in the teeth.

Have fun on Halloween and remember, no matter how much candy you or your kids eat, have everyone floss and brush before bed!

October is Dental Hygiene Month and we hope that you celebrate with us at Sterling Dental Center using some of the ideas above. Don’t forget to call and make an appointment if we haven’t seen you in the last six months!

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