Blog Post

7 Reasons To Go To The Dentist

Dr. Thomas Bursich • Dec 16, 2021

As we near the end of the year, you might be planning out all the appointments you need to make for next year to keep yourself and your family healthy. Don’t forget about your regular dental checkups!

It is so important to go to the dentist regularly, throughout the year. Here are seven reasons to make an appointment.

1 Get a Deep Cleaning

You will get a very thorough cleaning as part of your appointment. This includes scraping off the plaque and tartar buildup, brushing with toothpaste, and then flossing. This is cleaner than you can get your teeth at home and makes it much easier for your dentist to see what is going on in your mouth! 

2 – Get your gums evaluated

Plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gingivitis, or gum disease. While you are at the dentist your gums will be checked to see if there are any signs of existing gingivitis or warning signs that it might show up. The good news is that it is very treatable when caught early.

3 – Get an oral cancer screen

Oral cancer, or cancer that affects any part of the mouth, has been diagnosed at increasing rates recently. Because of this, dentists will now add in an oral cancer screening which essentially means they just look for color or texture changes that could be concerning.

4 – Get advice on home care

When you visit the dentist, we are able to see where there are gaps in your at home dental care. For example, most people do not know how vital it is to floss every day! When you are at your checkup, we can go over the best way to floss, how to make it a habit, and reiterate that it helps clean between the teeth where cavities like to form. 

5 – Decrease your chance of issues

When you don’t take care of your mouth, you are at a higher risk of issues like tooth decay and gum disease, which are very unpleasant if left untreated. However, if they are caught early, they are easily treatable and preventable in the future. We can catch any of these issues during routine exams.

6 – Save some money

In the long run, preventative care is always less expensive than emergency care. For example, if you go to the dentist every six months, stay on top of your cleanings, and maintain your dental health, your dental expenses for the year will be just a copay or the cost of an appointment. If you don’t go to regular checkups or maintain your dental hygiene, your dental costs for the year suddenly become much higher: paying for a filling, paying for dental surgery, etc.

7 – Get to know your dentist

While not directly related to your health, we do think it is important to get to know each of our patients so that we can make sure each visit is a pleasant experience. We know not everyone loves their dental appointments but having a positive experience can help you remember to come back! 

As you can see there are so many reasons to get regular dental checkups. Make sure to schedule all of you and your family’s 2022 checkups now! 

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