Blog Post

5 Reasons to Floss

Sterling Dental Center • Oct 01, 2018
string to floss

Flossing is one of the most underrated ways to keep your mouth healthy. For most people, flossing is treated almost like a bad word – they don’t want to say it and they rarely do it. Flossing is so important to your gum health, but also your overall health.

Here are Sterling Dental Center’s five reasons to floss every day.

1 – Prevent Plaque Buildup

Plaque builds up on our teeth really quickly. If you aren’t taking steps to prevent its buildup every day, it will get harder and harder to remove. Within hours of eating, plaque has already started forming and building on your teeth.

2 – Strengthen Your Teeth

When plaque buildup turns into a cavity, your teeth are essentially getting weaker. Flossing every day reduces the chance of cavities, thus keeping your teeth nice and strong.

3 – Limit Dental Work

If you stay on top of your flossing and brushing, your biannual dental appointments will go much smoother. It will take less time to clean your teeth and you will be less likely to need additional work like fillings.

4 – Reduce Bleeding Gums

Who hasn’t flossed the day before they go to the dentist and been overwhelmed with a bloody mouth? For a regular flosser, this doesn’t happen! When you are flossing every day, your gums get used to pressure and don’t bleed.

5 – Stay Healthy

There are several diseases that have been linked to gum disease including heart disease, diabetes, and even strokes. If you keep your gums clean and healthy, you lower your overall risk for some of these other more serious and potentially fatal diseases. It is as easy as adding two minutes to your nightly routine.

Flossing takes only a few minutes each day. Do it while you are watching TV in the evening or right before you go to bed. Turn it into a game for you family. Whatever you do, make sure you incorporate flossing into your daily routine. Your gums will thank you!

At Sterling Dental Center , we go over the importance of daily flossing and brushing at every appointment. Call us today to schedule your checkup!

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